Age Range: K-12
Subjects: Online Tutoring of all subjects, including AP Classes & Test Prep. In-person Tutoring also available
Delivery: Online and/or in-person
Price: $70 per hour for one-on-one online tutoring
E-mail: [email protected]

We feature complete tutoring services:

  • Online Tutoring or in-person
  • Every teacher possesses a bachelor’s degree & certification
  • We cater to diverse learning needs and adapt easily
  • We specialize in Special Education
  • Test Prep for exams – including the SBAC Test
  • College Counseling – we support the college planning process
  • AP classes

A+ Tutoring offers an extensive array of academic subjects to help each student to achieve his/her highest performance and develop self-confidence.  A+ tutors are all certified and possess bachelor’s degrees and we have many years of successful tutoring.


A+ offers extensive testing products, too, including Diagnostic Assessments, Entrance Exams, SAT and ACT prep and the SBAC exam. Visit the website today and start the process of adding A+ to your academic endeavors.