For Middle School and High School
Curriculum by Laurel Downing Bill

Alaska is a prominent feature in NetFlix & National Geographic’s streaming productions. Your children/students will be interested in knowing more!

By Emerson Sandow

An experienced Alaska historian, journalilst and author, Laurel Downing Bill, has developed a powerful, effective Creative Writing Curriculum, centered on the fascinating history of our 50th state, Alaska. There are two versions available — for Middle School and High School.

Both 9-month courses consist of 11 books and 6 journals:

8 Alaska books plus a Teachers’ Guide and Student Workbook and bonus Language Arts material teaching vocabulary, grammar and more.

Journalist/Historian, Laurel Downing Bill, offers Alaska-themed books each month to teach plot, setting, characters and conflict.

Alaska is brimming with all of these elements! Jack London’s classic The Call of the Wild is one high school title, for instance.

Laurel’s course teaches students to use a four-step writing process:

*  Brainstorming
*  Writing
*  Editing
*  Revising

Her process teaches mental organizing and thought preparation that carries over into all aspects of life, for life.  Laurel’s  Course teaches History and Literature besides the mechanics of creative writing, making it a 3-pronged curriculum in one.

This makes the 9-month course very affordable and with the prominence of Alaska in the streaming media, your student will be

See a teacher-user 3 minute video explaining the curriculum: